The application of this product is for nylon and polyester textiles that
are exposed to heat and are exposed to the elements. The original and
primary development purpose of Koala #25 is for the re-coating of hot
air balloon fabric after the original coating has deteriorated.
KoalaCoat #25 is a specially engineered anti-porosity
coating for textiles. With phenomenal characteristics, it is unlike anything
else in its field, period. No other balloon textile coating has the same thermal
characteristics (testing shows Koala 25 withstands temperatures of 600 degrees
F), elongation (minimum 250%), bonding (wicks completely around every fiber on
the thread) AND is FAA approved.
Read the information about how the product came to be and
installation instructions. Then if you have any questions, give us a call or
e-mail. If you would like small samples of treated fabric plus a sample of cured
coating, just send us a self addressed envelope with a stamp on it. We will get
it out right away.